Bonacibo Kitten
BonaCibo Kitten ist mit der optimalen Balance von Proteinen, Fetten und Kohlenhydraten formuliert, um ein gesundes Wachstum zu gewährleisten. Es ist auch mit Omega-3-Fetten und essentiellen Mineralien und Vitaminen angereichert, um einen gesunden Stoffwechsel und die Knochenentwicklung zu fördern.

Gesunde Entwicklung

Ausgewogene Vitamine & Mineralien

Dehydriertes Hühnerprotein (46%), Baldo-Reis (14%), Mais, raffiniertes Hühneröl, Sardellenmehl (7%), Krillmehl, Biertrockenhefe, hydrolisierte Hühnerleber, Sardellenöl, Nukleotid-Hefeprotein, Mineralstoffe, präbiotisches Mannan Oligosaccarides, Algen, Yucca-Extrakt, Kranbeere-Pulver, Flohsamen.

Analytische Komponenten
Eiweiß | % 38 |
Fettgehalt | % 18 |
Rohasche | % 8 |
Rohfaser | % 2,5 |
Omega-6 | % 3,8 |
Omega-3 | % 0,85 |

Vitamin A | 37.500 IU/kg |
Vitamin D3 | 2.250 IU/kg |
Vitamin E | 225 mg/kg |
Vitamin K3 | 0,49 mg/kg |
Vitamin C | 30 mg/kg |
Vitamin B1 | 22,41 mg/kg |
Vitamin B2 | 18,53 mg/kg |
Vitamin B6 | 17,53 mg/kg |
Vitamin B12 | 0,10 mg/kg |
Pantothensäure | 20,61 mg/kg |
Folsäure | 3,71 mg/kg |
Niacin | 75 mg/kg |
Biotin | 0,37 mg/kg |
Kupfer (als Sulfat) | 18 mg/kg |
Zink (als Sulfat) | 95 mg/kg |
Zink (als Chelat) | 20 mg/kg |
Mangan (als Sulfat) | 30 mg/kg |
Selen (als Selenit) | 0,3 mg/kg |
Taurin | 2.600 mg/kg |
EU-zugelassene Antioxidantien. |

Niedrige Körnung
Es hilft Ihrer Katze, ein gesundes Leben zu führen, indem es eine kleine Menge Nährstoffgetreide zu sich nimmt.

BonaCibo ist mit einem idealen Verhältnis von Protein und Fett formuliert, um ein ideales Körpergewicht für Langlebigkeit und einen gesunden Stoffwechsel aufrechtzuerhalten.

BonaCibo enthält natürliche präbiotische Fasern, um das Wachstum nützlicher Bakterien zu fördern und pathogene Stämme zu reduzieren, wodurch die Immunität unterstützt und die Verdauung optimiert wird.

BonaCibo enthält eine angereicherte Mischung aus Vitaminen, Aminosäuren und ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis von Omega-6 : Omega-3 Fettsäuren, um eine gesunde Haut und ein glänzendes Fell zu fördern.

Sehkraft & Herzpflege
Essentielles Taurin wird in großzügigen Mengen hinzugefügt, um eine korrekte Funktion des Nervensystems und der Augen zu gewährleisten und ein starkes Herz zu unterstützen.

Unterstützen Sie die Gesundheit der Harnwege
BonaCibo enthält ausgewogene und optimale Mengen an essentiellen Mineralien, um das Risiko von Harnsteinen zu reduzieren.

Durch die Verwendung von hochverdaulichen Zutaten und schonenden Garprozessen sorgt BonaCibo für maximale Bekömmlichkeit.

Ein ausgewogener Ballaststoffgehalt hilft beim Auflösen von Haarballen, die eine Verschlechterung des Verdauungssystems verursachen.

Ausgewogene Vitamine und Mineralien
Optimale Mengen an Vitaminen sind enthalten, um den Stoffwechsel zu unterstützen und eine nachhaltige Energieproduktion zu gewährleisten. Essentielle Spurenelemente sind auch in Formen enthalten, die vom Körper leicht aufgenommen und verwertet werden.
- Which breeds are Bonacibo Kitten suitable for?
Our Bonacibo Kitten cat food is formulated to meet all nutritional needs of adult cats of all breeds.
- Which ages should you prefer to use Bonacibo Kitten for?
Bonocibo Kitten can be fed from weaning through to maturity, which occurs at around 8 to 10 months of age. During the last 2 months of this period the adult food can gradually be introduced. It is also ideal for pregnant and lactating female cats due to its high energy and vitamin content.
For pregnant cats Bonocibo Kitten should be fed during the last third of the pregnancy, which is the last 20 days. After birth it can then be offered freely up until weaning to provide sufficient energy and minerals for milk production.
- What is Taurine? Should cat food contain Taurine?
Taurine is a nutrient that is similar to an amino acid but also acts in the body like a vitamin. It is required in the body for a number of functions, including retinal development for sight and heart muscle development.
It is found naturally in meat materials however, the level can be quite low and variable. Unlike dogs, cats cannot produce this nutrient in their body, so instead it has to be consumed via the diet. Taurine is added to all Cagatay cat foods to ensure that their nutritional requirements are met.
- When can you start to use dry petfood for a newborn cat?
Kitten foods can be introduced at weaning by softening a few kibbles with warm water not with the milk and leave them close to their bed. If they do not accept the food readily you can also put a small spot of soften food on their front paws, which they will tend to lick and hence become familiar to the smell and taste. Once they have accepted the moistened food an additional bowl of dry food can be placed nearby and the quantity of moistened food reduced, which will encourage them to move across to the dry. Once they have all accepted the dry food the moistened food can be removed, but always allow them nearby access to clean, fresh water at all times.
- Is there any reason why you cannot serve kitten food to an adult Cat?
The nutrient content of the kitten food is higher than the adult food, so it will meet all of an adult cat’s requirements however, the extra energy can cause an adult cat to put on excessive weight if it is constantly fed this food. So long as the owner keeps a good check on the cat’s body condition it will certainly not cause any problems. The only other issue is the kibble size, which can sometimes be too small for an adult cat to eat comfortably.
- Which petfood do you need to use to help a Cat put on weight?
If your cat is struggling to put on weight it could be advisable to move it to the kitten food, which contains a high amount of energy. It could also be a good idea to feed it more often and in a quiet place if it is easily distracted and does not tend to consume the quantity indicated on the pack. Adding a little complete wet food can also help to boost the energy content and acceptance if your cat is particularly low in weight.
- Which petfood should you use for a cat which has had an operation, and for how long?
After an operation cats are often disinterested in their food. It is therefore a good idea to offer them a food with a very high palatability and nutrient concentration, such as Boncibo Kitten, so that they can obtain as much as possible from a small quantity. It is also a good idea to moisten the food with warm water, as this will make it easier to consume and will enhance the flavour further.