Bonacibo Adult Dog High Energy
BonaCibo Adult Dog High Energy содержит повышенное количество белков и жиров для поддержания высокого уровня активности и длительных физических упражнений

Высокая производительность

Поддержтвает здоровье суставов

Здоровое развитие
Обезвоженный куриный белок (36%), рис Бальдо (20%), кукуруза, рафинированный куриный жир, порошок мяса анчоусов (6%), пивные дрожжи, жир анчоусов, плоды рожкового дерева, гидролизованная куриная печень, нуклеотиды дрожжевого белка, сушеная сахарная свекла, минералы, пребиотики маннан-олигосахариды, морские водоросли, порошок черники, экстракт цветков юкки, псиллиум, порошок цветов бархатцев, Phenomind™ (0,024%).
Гипоаллергенный: не содержит говядины, молочных продуктов и пшеницы.

Пищевая ценность
Белок | % 28 |
Содержание жира | % 12 |
Сырая зола | % 8 |
Сырая целлюлоза (клетчатка) | % 2,5 |
Омега-6 | % 3,5 |
Омега-3 | % 0,75 |

Пищевые добавки
Витамин A | 30.000 IU/kg |
Витамин D3 | 1.800 IU/kg |
Витамин E | 440 mg/kg |
Витамин K3 | 0,42 mg/kg |
Витамин C | 190 mg/kg |
Витамин B1 | 3,61 mg/kg |
Витамин B2 | 7,84 mg/kg |
Витамин B6 | 3,10 mg/kg |
Витамин B12 | 0,07 mg/kg |
Пантотеновая кислота | 31,06 mg/kg |
Фолиевая кислота | 0,66 mg/kg |
Ниацин | 24 mg/kg |
биотин | 0,32 mg/kg |
Медь (в виде сульфата) | 18 mg/kg |
Сульфат цинка | 95 mg/kg |
Цинк (как хелат) | 25 mg/kg |
Марганец (в виде сульфата) | 30 mg/kg |
Селен (как селенит) | 0,3 mg/kg |
Глюкозамин | 1.200 mg/kg |
Хондроитин | 800 mg/kg |
Антиоксиданты, одобренные ЕС. |

Сохраняйте приятные воспоминания, поддерживайте связь
Phenomind™ – естественное решение для ограничения последствий старения собак и поддержания связи между домашними животными и их владельцами

Высокая производительность
BonaCibo Adult Dog High Energy удовлетворяет повышенные энергетические и пищевые потребности активных собак в связи с длительными физическими упражнениями и работой.

Идеальный вес
BonaCibo содержит оптимальное соотношение белков и жиров, что помогает собакам контролировать потерю лишнего жира, сохраняя при этом мышечную массу

BonaCibo содержит питательные злаки, которые являются богатым источником углеводов, чтобы обеспечить оптимальную энергию для вашей собаки, контролируя ее вес

Здоровые кожа и шерсть
BonaCibo содержит обогащенную смесь витаминов, аминокислот и правильный баланс Омега-6 и Омега-3 жирных кислот, что способствует здоровой коже и блестящей шерсти

Здоровье мышц
Обогащен оптимальными уровнями витамина А и ниацина для максимального развития мышц и поддержки стройного тела

Здоровая пищеварительная система
Благодаря использованию легкоусвояемых ингредиентов и щадящему процессу приготовления BonaCibo обеспечивает максимальную усвояемость

Здоровье суставов
Поддерживаетздоровье хрящей и суставов, благодаря содержащимся в нем глюкозамина и хондроитина природного происхождения

Сбалансированные витамины и минералы
Оптимальное количество витаминов и микроэлементов поддерживает обмен веществ и обеспечивает постоянное производство энергии в течение дня

Низкое содержание аллергенов
Он гипоаллергенен благодаря своей формуле, которая не содержит наиболее распространенных ингредиентов-аллергенов для собак, таких как говядина, молочные продукты, пшеница и соя

Низкое содержание зерен
Он помогает вашей собаке вести здоровый образ жизни, так как содержит небольшое количество зерна, которое также является одним из питательных веществ
- What are the differences between the Bonacibo Adult dog foods?
All adult foods have been formulated to maintain good body condition and promote health and vitality. All recipes contains boosted levels of omega 3 fatty acids to ensure excellent skin and coat condition, and added prebiotics fibres to promote gut health and aid digestion, in order to produce goods firm stools.
Both Bonacibo Adult and Bonacibo Lamb&Rice Adult are formulated for all breeds of dogs, and can be fed throughout their adult life. Some dogs prefer a variety of flavors and so can be switched between the two protein sources without a problem.
The High Energy Adult is ideal for active Dogs that require extra energy.
It also contains raised levels of Chondroitin and Glucosamine to maintain flexible healthy joints and extra Vitamins, Minerals and nucleotides have been used to optimize health and an active life style.
Bonacibo Form has been formulated with a reduced energy content for dogs that have a lower activity level, such as senior dogs, or those that need to reduce their weight. It still contains the same high quality ingredients as the rest of the range so dogs can be moved on and off this diet during periods of inactivity. For Senior Dogs, Bonacibo Form can be given to large breeds from 7 years and small breeds from 10 years old.
- What is Glucosamine and Chondroitin?
Glucosamine and chondroitin are naturally occurring nutrients which are involved in the production of cartilage within joints. Cartilage is continually being broken down and rebuilt in the body, and these nutrients are essential to ensure that he building process continues and the breakdown is not excessive. In most healthy adult dogs there is sufficient produced by the body however, in some dogs additional supplementation via the food is necessary. Most of the Cagatay dog foods contain both nutrients, with raised levels in the food for large breeds, Whilst additional supplementation with pills and powders is not necessarily harmful, as excess is excreted in the urine, it can be a waste of money.
- What should you do when starting to use a new dogfood?
It is always advisable to introduce a new dog food gradually. Even if the flavour or meat type is similar every recipe will taste slightly different to our dogs. Begin by mixing approximately ¼ of the new food with the current food, and then increase little by little over a period of about a week until the new food is the only food offered. Always remember not to overfeed and if your dog rejects the mixed food return to the original food and then begin again on another day.
- How can you accustom a dog to eat dry petfood?
Some dogs do prefer wet food however, dry feeding can be more convenient and cost effective. To introduce your dog to dry food for the first time it is advisable to do so very gradually by mixing a little dry food in with the wet food. It is often the texture of the dry food that the dog can find unusual, so do not be worried if it rejects the dry food at first. You can also soften the food with a little warm water, never milk because by adding milk to a nutritionally complete food, it will add fat, sugar and protein and so will potentially unbalance the diet and some dogs, have an intolerance to lactose contained in particularly cow’s milk which causes loose faeces and sometimes vomiting. You can also offer one or two kibbles by hand as a treat before its main meal. Once it has accepted a few kibbles you can increase the proportion of dry to wet food over a period of around a week, until dry is the only food offered.
- Is there any reason why you cannot serve Puppy food to an Adult Dog?
Puppy and HE Puppy both contain more protein and energy than the adult foods. They are perfectly suitable for adult dogs however, they can cause excessive weight gain if the dogs does not require these extra nutrients. If your dog is exercising intensely or does not tend to maintain a regular weight, the Puppy and HE Puppy might be more suitable however, generally the adult foods are more suited to dogs over 1 year old.
- Will it cause a problem to use the same petfood for a long time for dogs?
Dogs can cope perfectly well with the same food for the whole of their life if that food is nutritionally balanced and of good quality. However, some dogs naturally prefer a variety of flavours. This does not mean that there is anything necessarily wrong with the food. It is extremely rare for a dog to develop any sensitivity or allergy to a good quality food but by introducing a variety of flavours to your dog when they are young will generally also make them more tolerant of changes in later life.
- Does it cause any problem to constantly use dry petfood for dogs, Can a balanced diet be achieved?
Using dry food throughout a dog’s life is perfectly suitable so long as the food is correctly formulated. Dry food has been available on the market for over 40 years and there is no evidence to suggest that it causes any problems at all. A good dry food is certainly far better than a poor wet food. It is also good for maintaining healthy, clean teeth, which can be a particular problem for dogs. It is also more convenient and cost effective than most wet foods.
Bonacibo ДЛЯ СОБАК